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親愛的合一大家庭, 家人和朋友
我們感謝香港合一社區的所有成員,以及所有朋友和家人一起前來參 與 2011年7月10日晚上, 跟巴關的現場直播網上視頻 - 我們敬愛的老師,在印度合一大學的創辦者。
這晚的活動進行得十分成功,大約有230人前來參與並填滿了溫莎 公爵社會服務大廈的大禮堂,大家亦十分細心聆聽巴關給予我們的答 案,協助我們面對,處理,解決香港現時發生問題的社會,政治以及 民生等問題,也有提及 2012的事項。
問答環節過後,全部在場人士懷著強烈具體的意圗 - 為全球的覺醒以及為個人願望的實現,一起跟巴關的臨在進入靜心數 刻。之後,在場人士互相分享Deekshas, 整個大禮堂充滿了神聖的臨在和恩典,非常感動。
每週逢星期四定期舉辦Deeksha之夜,時間晚上 7:30 - 9:00, 地點在觀塘的香港合一社區中心。
請抓緊時間前來參加晚會, 你將有豐碩的收穫。這同時也對將於提高個人的意識,
巴關每週會提供一個覺醒的教導,透過跟巴關的臨在一起靜心, 祈禱這覺醒的教導成為我們在生活上的一種體驗, 從而令我們跟覺醒的距離拉近, 最後讓我們生活的每一刻都在覺醒的狀態中,當然,這並不是一朝一 夕可達成的, 所以請大家以恆心待之。
所以,請大家在我們最大的可能之下, 跟全世界一起參與這個每週跟巴關在網上直播的靜心時刻,以協助及 促進全球覺醒的使命。
請至網站合一大學 http://www.onenessuniversity. org/,點擊“網絡廣播”/ “Webcasts”,選擇在右側的“網絡廣播播放器”/ “Webcast Player”,您將可以瀏覽每週相應的網絡廣播,時間是每個星 期天零晨1230或中午1230(香港時區)。
Live Video Webcast with Sri Bhagavan was a big success
Dear Oneness Family & Friends,
We thank you for the participations of all the members of Hong Kong Oneness Community, and all your friends and family who come along to the Live Video Webcast with Sri Bhagavan, our beloved teacher and founder of the Oneness University India, in the evening on 10th July 2011.
It was a very successful event that night with around 230 people filling up the Hall of Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, listening to the answers addressed by Sri Bhagavan to the questions about the social and political issues happening to Hong Kong, about 2012 and about daily life situations.
It was followed by a meditation in the presence of Sri Bhagavan with specific intents for the global awakening and for the fulfillment of personal wishes. We also shared Deekshas to the whole group, and the divine energy was very strong filling up the whole sacred space.
This live video webcast will be processed and uploaded to youtube for universal browsing. More details on this regard will be released soon via
The Hong Kong Oneness Community Center
We have regular weekly Deeksha Night on every Thursday from 730pm – 9pm in the Hong Kong Oneness Community Center in Kwun Tong.
And for the coming Thu nights on 21st Jul & 28th Jul 2011, one of the Oneness Trainers Ms. Lily Ho will be the host for the evening event. If
1. you want to learn more about Oneness teachings and insights from Sri Bhagavan, or
2. you are interested to explore deeper level consciousness within you, or
3. you want to know more about Oneness in India, or
4. how to improve and set right your relationships with your parents, spouse, or friends,
please make time to come and join the evening event. You will reap the fruits of your effort. And this will create a huge impact on raising human consciousness as well as on the global transformation.
More events and activities are coming and will be announced shortly. Please keep in touch with us closely, your time, contributions and efforts are preciously treasured for the mission of Sri Bhagavan – “to set men free totally and unconditionally”,
Sunday Live Webcast Meditation in the presence of Sri Bhagavan
Through this weekly meditation in the presence of Sri Bhagavan, there will be an awakening teaching at the beginning of the week and we are required to contemplate this teaching throughout the week, and pray for it to become a reality in our daily life, so that we will become more aware of our daily lives, and finally we can live out lives every moment in awakened state. Of course, this is not a one time work to be done.
So, please everyone of us, please make our best effort to participate this valuable weekly meditation to meditate with the whole world in the presence of Sri Bhagavan, and help contributing to the mission of global awakening.
Please go to the website of Oneness University http://www.onenessuniversity. org/, click “Webcasts”, select “Webcasts Player” on the right hand side and you will be able to browse the corresponding weekly webcasts, at 1230am or 1230pm (mid-day) (Hong Kong time zone) on every Sunday.
Hong Kong Oneness Community
Blessings and in Love