Events Calendar / 活動日程

達顯旅遊 (2012年4月3﹣9日)
(Please scroll down for English verison)

合一大學提供了一個特別節目,讓參與者進行朝聖,以加深他們對合一現象的經驗。這些“達顯之旅”是類似於為期五天的節日,讓與會者將參觀合一的聖地和接收Sri Bhagavan的達顯。

Satyaloka(合一現象的發源地),Nemam(阿瑪居留聖地),並以Mukthi  Mandap(覺醒大禮堂)。此外,旅遊團將參加圍繞大學的叢林和山脈裡的冥想,以及在覺醒大禮堂本身參加一個特殊的覺醒祝福(Mukthi  Deeksha)64祝福 (64 Deeksha)過程。

達顯之旅最終會收到Sri Bhagavan的達顯 (會面)
旅行團負責聖地和事件,以及住宿費用和交通相關的所有費用。在大學期間,參加者可留在校園3 區或黃金之城 GC2。


  • 達顯團之旅日期 - 5天; 開始於4月4日(星期三),結束4月8日(星期日)


  • 去程:4月3日週二, 香港時間1520pm出發; 到達印度22.00pm
    回程:4月8日週日, 印度時間2315pm; 抵達香港4月9日星期一1120am
  • 這5天的行程,我們是在復活節假期安排,使與會者只需要申請1天年假,因為這個原因,我們只能採取由新加坡航空公司的航班, 因為國泰航空在我們到達和離開的日子裡,不提供任何飛行航班。
  • 由於 新加坡航空公司4月3日到Chennai,每天只有一個航班, 如果你將參加這次達顯團, 可聯絡旅行社:


  • 人們可以留在任何校園3或黃金之城2,我們會建議住在黃金之城2 。大學住宿費用 - 每人每晚盧比4515.
  • 黃金城以外之旅的交通費,當地交通費,入場費等, 由於我們不知道正確的價格; 建議參加者以繳納定金領隊。如果實際較少,多餘的金額將退還,如果有更多的將額外收取。定金現在建議2000港元。
  • 如果你在旅遊中覺得適合 (盧比6500)
  • 機票 HK$5377(港元支付直接到旅行社
  • 旅遊翻譯助手 HK$1127(港元支付予培訓師)
  • 當地運輸 HK$2000(港元支付予培訓師,多餘的金額將退還,如果有更多的將額外收
  • GC2住宿 HK$782.60(Rs.4515 )× 5天= HK $ 3913(支付給大學)
  • 總計 HK$12,417
** 也請準備一些額外的錢, 備用來借SIM卡撥打電話回港,或在大學的禮品店購買任何紀念品

如果您有任何查詢,請隨時向Peony Chung發送電子郵件 - 標題達顯之旅查詢 或致電 Peony Chung 9306 8519查詢。

Darshan Tour
Oneness University Darshan Tour
April 3- 9 , 2012
We will be offering a special program where participants may undertake a pilgrimage to deepen their experience of the Oneness phenomenon. These "Darshan tours" are akin to a five-day festival whereby participants will visit the sacred sites of Oneness and receive the Darshan of Sri Bhagavan.
The tour will offer a visit to the three main Oneness centers: Satyaloka (the birthplace of the Oneness phenomenon), Nemam (the abode of Sri Amma), and to the Mukthi Mandap (Hall of Awakening). Additionally, tour groups will participate in a meditation in the jungle and mountains surrounding the University, as well as a special Mukthi Deeksha and 64 Deeksha process in the Mukthi Mandap (Hall of Awakening) itself.
The tour will then culminate in the receipt of Sri Bhagavan's Darshan. A special optional Homa (sacred fire ritual) will be offered to all participants.
These Darshan tours will be organized by Oneness country coordinators, Oneness Trainers (individually or by a group of Trainers), or any Deeksha Giver (again, individually or in groups). In order to participate in a Darshan tour, a minimum of 30 persons must be gathered per group. Any particular Darshan tour group shall work with their respective country's guide on details related to the tour.
Tour groups are responsible for all costs associated with transportation to and from the sacred sites and events, as well as for accommodation fees. While at the University, participants may stay at GC2 or campus 3.
Darshan Tour – Costs in detailed breakdown – 3rd – 9th April 2012

A) It is cheaper to take Singapore airline HKD 2900 air ticket, tax and fuel surcharge for today is HKD2477, TOTAL amount is HKD5377

B) Time of flight
 3rd April-Tue - DEPART HK time 1520pm; ARRIVE INDIA AT 22.00pm
 8th April-Sun - DEPART INDIA time 2315pm; ARRIVE HK 9th April - Mon 1120am

C) Darshan Tour Dates - FIVE days; Tour start on 4TH APRIL (WED) and end on 8TH APRIL (SUN)

D) For this 5 days trip, we are arranging in the easter holiday so that the participants just need to apply for 1 and half day from their annual leave, and because of this reason, we can only take the flights by Singapore airline, as cathay pacific does not provide any flight on the days that we arrive and leave.

Individual booking – Since there is only ONE flight per day to Cheenai by Singapore airline, if you have decided to join this tour, please go ahead to make your booking through your travel agent, or through the agent we are using, if it is necessary.

Details of travel agent: Ms. Pinki, tel 3422 3052, Singapore airline to Cheenai on 3rd April, only one flight, or you can go to your travel agent for booking

E) Chandra Sekhar ji said for LODGING - people can stay in any campus either 3 or Golden City 2, and we will suggest to live in Golden City 2

F) University Accommodation Fees - need to pay trainers amount i.e. rupees 4515 per person per night 

G) Tours Outside Golden City - to Nemam, Satyaloka and forest - Participants need to pay extra depending on the number of people and what vehicle is booked

H) Special fire ritual, in case you feel appropriate during the tour = Rs 6500

- Translator Fees : HK$ 500 / participant
- Accommodation fee for both the Translator and Assistant = HK$ 9400 x 2 = HK$ 18,800
- For a group with 30 participants => Cost / Participant = HK$ 1127.00

J) Local Transport costs, entrance fees, etc. Since we do not know the correct price. Suggest we request participants to pay advance deposit to tour leader. If actual amount is less, the excess amount will be refunded and if more is required, then will be charged for the difference. The advance deposit is suggested to be HK$2,000.

Flight Ticket = HK$ 5377 (pay direct to travel agent)
Tour Translator + Helper = HK$ 1127 (pay to Trainer)
Local Transport (deposit) = HK$ 2000 (pay to Trainer after you arrived campus)
Accommodation at GC2 (Rs.4515 = HK$ 782.60) x 5 days = HK$ 3913 (pay to University)
TOTAL = HK$ 12,417

Please also prepare some spare money for borrowing sim card to making telephone calls back to HK, or purchasing any souvenirs in the gift shop of the University.

If you have any enquiry, please feel free to send an email to Peony, with the subject line “Enquiry of Darshan tour”, or call Peony Chung at 9306 8519.

Best wishes
Oneness Hong Kong


All events to be held in Hong Kong Oneness Centre unless specified

Address :  Unit 3G, Phase 2, Yip Fat Factory Bldg., 73-75 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong

地址 : 觀塘開源道 73-75 號業發工業大廈二期 3 G 室摩登夜冷(觀塘地鐵站 B3 出口)  






第一項活動將於2012115,星期日的早上。我們會舉行 Wealth Deeksha 「財富祝福」的過程,接著在下午12:30透過網上的現場視訊,跟巴關一起靜心15分鐘,讓合一的教導成為我們生活中的實相。歡迎所有合一祝福傳導師(Deeksha Givers)出席。

第二項活動將在20121月月29日舉行。這是一個非常特殊的日子,阿瑪巴關將推出一個新的合一祝福。這個新的祝福,威力非常強大,它可以帶我們進入覺醒狀態,或直接給予我們覺醒。在129的早上,我們將會進行一個歷時三小時的Arogya Deeksha 「健康祝福」的儀式。並且,​​在中午12:30參加網上現場視訊靜心,接收來自阿瑪巴關特殊的合一祝福
活動地點:香港合一中心 (觀塘開源道業發工業大廈二期3G室,觀塘地鐵站B3開源道出口步行至業發工業大廈二期停車場進入)


2012115– Wealth Deeksha財富祝福過程
(第一部分) 財富祝福過程
到達官塘會場時間: 上午8 30
過程開始於上午8 45

(第二部分) 週日網上視訊靜心
你自己的臨在靜心: 中午12:15開始
與巴關網上直播靜心: 中午12:30開始
2012129–Arogya Deeksha健康祝福過程
(第一部分) 健康祝福過程
到達時間:上午8 30
過程開始於上午8 45

(第二部分) 接受新的合一祝福
你自己的臨在靜心: 中午12:15開始
與巴關網上直播靜心: 中午12:30開始

每項活動的費用是港幣 50元。
報名辦法:請接此處網上報名,或以電郵回覆致 , 請列明您想參加活動和參加人數。

我們即將步入歷史上最重要的2012年,正式進入黃金紀元。在1月1日這個新一年的開始,合一創辦人阿瑪巴關將於香港時間下午12:30舉行全球性的網上視訊靜心,把全然的大愛和祝福給予世上每一個人,帶領人類進入覺醒狀態。 香港合一中心將於1月1日開放,歡迎各位朋友一起參與是次網上靜心達顯,一起接受阿瑪巴關的祝福。參加者務必在早上10:45或之前到達會場,在接受阿瑪巴關的祝福之前,合一導師首先會帶領參加者進行喜悅曼陀螺靜心,以活化覺醒能量昆達里尼

報名方法: 按此處網上報名

對象:合一祝福傳導師及訓練師(Oneness Deeksha Givers & Trainers)

我們將會在10月16日進行一個三小時的 「合一財富課程」,這是一個合一大學新引進的課程。它包括靜思關於如何創造財富和維持財富的11個點子,邀請亞瑪巴關和神聖的臨在為我們開啟財富的意識,並說明接下來的11天如何進行你個人的財富儀式。此活動只限合一祝福傳導師及訓練師參與。參加者敬請準時出席。


時間:5:30pm-8:30pm (三小時奉獻心瑜伽(Bhakti Yoga); 及
           9:00pm  亞瑪巴關視頻達顯
對象:歡迎合一祝福傳導師及訓練師(Oneness Deeksha Givers & Trainers) 參與以上兩個活動

整個地球意識的大轉變會在10月28日發生,亞瑪巴關將有一個對整個世界的特殊視頻達顯,亞瑪巴關將直接給我們一個特別的祝福,目的是為實現我們的覺醒和/或了晤神性。視頻達顯將在9pm(香港時間)開始。在我們跟亞瑪巴關見面前,我們將在下午5:30pm開始進行三小時的奉獻心瑜伽(Bhakti Yoga),準備我們接收亞瑪巴關特別的祝福。




Sri Amma Birthday Special Live Webcast Meditation 
Date & Time 日期及時間:Monday, August 15 at 12:00pm 

Address: Unit 3G, Phase 2, Yip Fat Factory Bldg., 73-75 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong
地址:觀塘開源道 73-75 號業發工業大廈二期 3 樓 G 室摩登夜冷(觀塘地鐵站 B3 出口)

下周一8月15日是合一創辦人之一阿瑪的壽辰。在下周一,阿瑪巴​關將於印度時間上午10時(即香港時間中午12:30)辦行全球​性的網上視訊靜心,界時香港合一中心將開放,歡迎各位來臨一同參​與靜心。活動大約為時一小時。有興趣者請於正午12時到達位於觀​塘的合一中心。 阿瑪巴關不斷辛勞地為人類覺醒而工作,他們傳遞的合一祝福能量強​大,能提升集體意識,幫助人類從頭腦解脫出來。歡近各位踴躍參加​!

Live Webcast of Sri Bhagavan with Hong Kong Oneness Community on July 10, 2011
2011年 7月10日巴關與香港合一之現場網上視訊會面  (Open to all  歡迎任何人士參與) 

Namaste! We are glad to confirm that the Live webcast with Sri Bhagavan is fixed. Details as followed.

Date 日期:     July 10, 2011 (Sunday)
Time 時間:     7:00-9:00 p.m.
Venue 地點:   1/F Hall, Duke of Windsor Social Service Bldg, 15 Hennessy Rd, Wanchai
                        灣仔軒尼詩道15號, 溫莎公爵社會服務大廈, 一樓大禮堂
Fee 費用:   HK$50

Please note the "Live Webcast with Sri Bhagavan" section for information updates.

Spiritual Questions Submission
During the live webcast, Sri Bhagavan will address questions about spirituality from Oneness Hong Kong Community. Your are welcome to submit any question to together with your full name and mobile number on or before July 8.  Consolidated questions will be passed to India for final screening.  


Meditation, Deeksha and others 
Apart from the Q&A session, you will be meditating with Sri Bhagavan and receiving Deeksha (Oneness Blessing) from him directly.  Also, there will be Moola Mantra chanting and Deeksha giving/ receiving among all participants.  If you are Oneness Blessing Giver, please join us to share the vibration of love with our family, friends and other participants. Don't miss this meaningful night.

除了解答問題外,巴更會與參加者一起靜心,和直接給予合一祝福。當晚大會亦會安排Moola Mantra集體誦唱,以及集體合一祝福分享。 如果你是合一祝福傳遞師的話,也請你邀請親友一起參加,界時合一祝福傳遞師會共同為現場所有參加者送上合一祝福。 

Admission Ticket & Enquiries
Seats are limited. To secure your ticket, please contact any local trainers for reservation or purchasing. Ticket will be charged at HK$50 each to cover event cost.  All ticket proceeds deducting necessary expenses will be contributed to local and worldwide Oneness activities.


Weekly Oneness Blessing Night 每週合一祝福夜 
(Open to public 歡迎任何人士參與)

Sharing of blessing and love with public is the only purpose of the Weekly Oneness Blessing Night. It will be leading by different Oneness Trainers and Blessing Givers to share the Divine's blessing to participants. All Blessing Givers are encouraged to join the team. 

由不同的合一訓練師和傳導師 Oneness Blessing Giver 帶領,純粹是合一祝福的分享晚會 ,讓給予的和接受的都滿懷祝福和感恩,也一起為在轉化中的地球送上祝福。誠邀各位 Oneness Blessing Giver 出席參與。

Date 日期 :Jun 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 ; Every Thursday 逢星期四
Time 時間  715 9:15pm
Fee 費用  HK$20

Remarks 注意事項: 
In case of cancellation, advance notice will be posted on the site and Facebook page 
如取消活動,將會事先在網頁Facebook page 公告

Sunday Live webcast with Sri Bhagavan 巴格旺現場網上視訊
(Open to Oneness Blessing Giver Only 只開放予合一祝福傳導師

Sri Bhagavan will be joining the Oneness community every week via live webcasts which  involves special weekly teachings and meditations with Sri Bhagavan, with the intention to move the participants into higher states of consciousness, inturn effecting global transformation. 

Whether or not to hold the live webcast event in the Oneness Centre will be depending on number of registered participants. If you are interested to join this event, please email to


Date 日期 :Jun 12 & 26, Sunday 星期日
Time 時間 1100 am to 100 pm
Fee 費用  HK$20

Remarks 注意事項:
Please refer to posting of the blog for confirmed date of event and register if you are interested by email to
請留意網頁有日期公告,有興趣參加的朋友,請電郵至 預先登記,以便安排。

Other Activities Organised by Oneness Trainers  由合一訓練師獨立舉辦之其他活動
(Open to public   歡迎任何人士參與)
Oneness Awakening Course (June 2011)
合一覺醒課程  (June 2011)

Trainer 訓練師 : Mr. Johnny Tsui  徐偉強先生
Language 語言 : Cantonese 廣東話
Fees 費用 : HK$600 (To be returned for being punctuated during the 3 days course 沒有遲到早退的話可以全數退還)
Dates 日期 : June 10 (Fri) - June 12 (Sun) 
Time 時間 : June 10 (Fri) 7:30 - 10 pm;  June 11 (Sat) & June 12 (Sun) 9:30 am - 6:30 pm
Venue   : Rm 910, Boss Commercial Centre, 28 Ferry Street, Jordon, Kowloon
九龍佐敦渡船街28 寶時商業大廈901
Enquiries 查詢: 9822 01022395 8285 (Miss Ann Fong) ; or click here 亦可接此連結

Ancient Breathing & Chakra Dhyana Workshop

In this weekly workshop, participants will practice the ancient technique (Pranayama, Pranakriya, Bandatriya & Chakra Dhyana) to activate Chakra points and awaken Kundalini engergy.

透過練習印度古老呼吸調息法(Pranayama, Pranakriya & Bandatriya)及脈腀靜心,脈腀中心將會被開啟,並喚醒昆達里尼能量。

Trainer 訓練師 : Lily Ho

Dates 日期 :Jun 4, 11 & 18, Saturday 星期六
Time 時間 :2 : 15 pm to 400 pm
Venue 地點:  Hong Kong Oneness Centre 香港合一中心
Fee 費用  Oneness Blessing Givers  - HK$100 for each workshop & HK$240 for registering 3 workshops at the same time ;  Non-Oneness Blessing Givers  - HK$120 for each workshop & HK$300 for registering 3 workshops at the same time.
合一祝福傳導師 - HKD100, 如一次過報三堂及付費, 費用為HKD240;  非合一祝福傳導師: HKD120, 如一次過報三堂次及付費, 費用為HKD300

For registration and enquiries, please Lily at 9197 4978 or click here for details

報名或查詢,請聯絡 Lily 9197 4978;亦可按此瀏覽詳情