Please scroll down for English version
請注意本週日(6月26日)於本中心舉行的網上視訊靜心活動將會暫停。 給世界上合一的所有成員親愛的合一的共同體的成員,
每週與巴關在線上的視訊靜心現在向所有人開放。 如你所知,以前每週線上的視訊靜心只限於那些已經是合一Deeksha的給予者。現在,隨著這些網絡靜心被提供給世上每個人,不再限定是 Deeksha給予者才能參加。
我們希望你將利用這個機會, 邀請那些你認識的人參加線上的視訊靜心。 請隨時分享這個電子郵件和URL地址即可與你的家人和朋友。參加每週一次的網上直播,並得到最大的利益,請查看下面的影片:
http://onenessforall.blogspot. com/2011/06/blog-post.html
然後閱讀和研究本週的教義 (每週教義的中文版會在facebook和網站刊登)
http://www. page/weekly-webcast-teachings
http://www.onenessuniversity. org/index.php/webcasts/ webcast-player
這些網路靜心為15分鐘, 在印度標準時間星期六晚上10點與週日上午十時直播( 香港時間為週日凌晨0:30與中午12:30) 香港合一 合十感恩
然後閱讀和研究本週的教義 (每週教義的中文版會在facebook和網站刊登)
A message to all members of World Oneness Community
Webcast on 26 June(Sun) event in Oneness center will be cancelled.
Dear World Oneness Community member,Please take note of the following recent developments with Oneness and the Oneness University.
Weekly Webcasts with Sri Bhagavan are now open to everyone
As you know, the weekly webcast meditations with Sri Bhagavan were previously restricted to only those that were already Oneness Deeksha Givers. Now, as of last weekend these webcasts are being made available to everyone (as in everyone on the planet who wishes to join in). It is no longer necessary to be a deeksha giver to participate.
We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity by inviting those you know to attend online. Please feel free to share this email and the URL address below with your family and friends.
To participate in the weekly webcast and to gain the most benefit please view the following tutorial video:
Then read and study the lesson of the week:
Once you have done that simply join Sri Bhagavan each week to participate in the live webcast:
These webcasts last 15 minutes and are shown on Sunday at 12:30am and Sunday at 12:30pm, Hong Kong Time.
Blessings and love
Hong Kong Oneness Community
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