Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
The Middle Path. The 7 BALANCES - Sri Bhagawan
Video Link http://www.onenessuniversi
ONENESS recommends the middle path or the 7 BALANCES as a helpful tool for Awakening
1st Balance - Avoid the extremes of Certainty and Uncertainty
2nd Balance - Avoid the extremes of Indulgence and Abstinence
ONENESS recommends the middle path or the 7 BALANCES as a helpful tool for Awakening
1st Balance - Avoid the extremes of Certainty and Uncertainty
2nd Balance - Avoid the extremes of Indulgence and Abstinence
3rd Balance - Avoid the extremes of Dominance and Subservience
4th Balance - Avoid the extremes of Possessiveness and Indifference
5th Balance - Avoid the extremes of Resignation and Extreme Seeking
6th Balance - Avoid the extremes of Carelessness and Being Obsessed with Perfection7th Balance - Avoid the extremes of Analysis and Synthesis
為幫助大家開悟,合一在這裡建議一些中庸之導,或者可以 說成 是7方面的平衡。
1. 避免極端的肯定和不明朗
2. 避免極端的放縱和貞操
3. 避免極端的霸道和卑躬屈膝
4. 避免極端的佔有和莫不關心
5. 避免極端的退避和極端的追尋
6. 避免極端的疏忽和過度的迷戀完美
7. 避免極端的分析和總結
Translation by 翻譯:Anthony Siu
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sri Bhagavan 巴珈灣 - Your Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts 你的思想不是你的
Oneness Teaching for February 2010
合一2月份的教導 2010:
Sri Bhagavan 巴珈灣
Your Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts
Every month I would like to give some homework on which you would work before the next Skype Darshan. So I think I have spoken for about in 3 or 4 places now I do not know if it is on the website but then I will talk to you about it. And you got to work on this teaching in the month of February and be receiving and giving Deekshas hopefully you would move into higher states and you could ask me questions based on that at our next meeting.
好。 我想我已經在三,四個不同的地方說過了,我也忘記是 否 在網站發表過,但我會再跟大家講多一遍。在2月,你必 須 在這份功課上下一點苦功,同時要給予和接受合一祝福, 希 望你們能夠到達一個較高的意識狀態。你可以在下一次的 講學時 接受問我有關的問題。
What you got to contemplate on is the following.
Thoughts are happening automatically. It is not that there is a Carol there who is thinking. Thoughts are simply happening automatically.
思想是自然會發生的事。並不是代表這裡有個叫嘉璐的人在 想東 西。思想是簡單地,自然地會發生的。
Speech ‐ it is not that you are there who speaks. It is happening automatically.
言語 — 這並不是代表你在這裡說甚麼。它也是自然會發生的事。
Actions ‐ it is not that you are acting, but actions are taking place all the time.
行動 -- 這並不是代表你在幹些甚麼,但行動是常常在進行當中的。
So they are happening there of their own accord automatically. You have got to just see that. You have to see how speech is happening automatically, thought is happening automatically, and action is happening automatically, [because] that is the fact.
所以這些都是跟據它們自己的定律自然發生。你必需要看清 的 只有這個。你需要看清言語是如何在自然的情況下發生, 思 想也是自然地發生,行動也是自然發生的事,(因為)這 就是事 實。
Now for example, let us come to thoughts. You assume that there is a thinker called Carol who is thinking. But there is no such thinker at all. There is just thinking which is just an automatic function of the brain, just like you breathe automatically, just like your body temperatures maintain automatically, just like digestion happens automatically, similarly thinking also is happening automatically. You are not there who is thinking. It’s a mere assumption.
現在舉例,讓我們看看思想。你假設這裡有個叫嘉璐的人在 想 東西。但實質上完全沒有這個思想的人。有的只是思想, 那 只是頭腦的一種自然功用,就像你自然地呼吸一樣,也像 你 的身體會,它會自然地保持適當的溫度,這事又如消化般 自 然。同樣,思想也是自然發生的事。你不是在那裡思想的 那個 人。那只是你的假設。
Suppose you are to draw a circle, the center emerges. It’s much the same way when thinking happens, the illusion of a thinker arises. There is no thinker at all. Similarly, speech it is also happening automatically, though you think that you are speaking. No.
假如你在畫一個圓圈,中心就會出現。思想的時候,關於一 位 思想者存在的幻覺就會出現。實質上,跟本就完全沒人在 思 想。同樣,即使你認為你在說話,現實卻沒有這回事,說 話只是 自然發生的事。
Actions, they are also happening automatically. For example Carol might think okay I shall decide to move my arm. There I have moved it. But then if you were to watch Carol’s brain real time, which is possible today, you would notice that a fraction of the second before she moved her hand, her brain had decided to move the hand, and the hand moves. But she suffers from the illusion that she decided to move her arm, and the arm moved. All things are happening automatically.
行動,它們也是自然發生的。舉例說,嘉璐覺得,好吧,我 該 決定移動我的手。那我就移動了我的手。但假如你在實際 時 間上看到嘉璐的腦袋 (今天這個是可以的),你可以察覺到有一瞬間,就在她移 動 手之前,她的腦袋已經決定了要移動她的手,那手也移動 了。 但她的幻覺害她苦著應為是她本身決定去移動她的手, 所以手就 動了。其實所有的事只會自然發生。
Similarly when you come to your body, you must understand that your body is not your body because this human body is millions of years old. You did not design it, you did not make the changes in that body and you did not conceive it, you have virtually no role with it. You did not make it grow. It grew on its own.
正如你的身體,你一定要明白你的身體不是你的身體,因為 這 個叫人體的東西是已經有佰萬年的歷史。你不曾設計它, 你 沒有改造體內的東西,而你也沒有創造 (還是想像?)它,你完全沒有在這個身體扮演任何角色。 你沒有讓它生長。它自己會生長。
So your body is not your body, your mind is not your mind, your thoughts are not your thoughts. There are more [examples] like this.
所以你的身體不是你的身體,你的腦袋不是你的腦袋,你的 思想 不是你的思想。像這個的,還有其它類似的例子。
You are wearing some nice dress and Carol would say, this is my dress. But then, did Carol design that dress? No.Did she tailor it? No. Did she make it in a textile mill? No. Did she get the cotton or whatever what went into that on her own? No. No way she has played any role at all and yet she claims this dress is my dress.
你在穿一件美麗的裙子,然後嘉璐說,那是我的裙子。但是 , 嘉璐有設計這裙子嗎?沒有,她有裁剪嗎?沒有。她有在 紡 織機前動工嗎?沒有。她有自己去採集綿或是甚麼去做裙 子 嗎?沒有。她從來沒有扮演過甚麼角色,但她卻宣告世界 ,這是 我的裙子。
Similarly thoughts have evolved over millions of years, it’s not Carol’s thoughts they are all there in the thoughts sphere and they come and they go and yet Carol thinks these are my thoughts. They are not hers. Her body similarly is not her body. Similarly her mind, what is her mind? It is a flow of thought. And that mind too is not her mind it is a very ancient mind and that is not hers.
同樣,思想是勁過超過數佰萬年的進化。那不只是嘉璐的思 想 而已。那些思想全部都是在一個思想醬缸中,它們來來往 往, 但嘉璐依舊相信那是她的思想。但那些不是她的。她的 身 體也不是她的身體。她的思想呢,她的思想使甚麼?那是 思 想的洪流。而那個思想也不是她的,那是來自遠古時期而 不是她 的?
And her self. I am there. It is a sense of separateness, it is a concept, it is an illusion.
So nothing is hers. But then she identifies her self with her thoughts, with her body, with her mind, and thinks that she exists.
而她自己呢?我在這裡。這是一種分離,一種概念。它是一 個 幻象。所以,沒有東西是嘉璐的。但是,她認定了她的想 法,她 的身體,她的思想就是她自己,並以為自己在活著。
This is called Anatma, or false identification. She’s not that, but she thinks she is that.
And why does she do it? It’s called, prajingya paradar, failure of intelligence. That is the intelligence we talked in Level 2. When intelligence arises, this false identification ceases.
You will realize that you are no more your thoughts, no more your mind, no more your body, and no more the so called self, which is non existence in the first place. So now all these things you got to understand intellectually. Having understood intellectually, you must try to soak into it and contemplate on it and then give and receive Deekshas. Giving Deekshas is more powerful than receiving Deekshas. Keep doing it. And suddenly you will see you are out of the mind.
這叫做亞肋瑪,或者是錯誤的應同。她想她就是那樣。為什 麼 她會這樣做呢?那是叫巴占也笆拿打,也就是知慧的失敗 。 這是我們在第2階時所說的知慧。當知慧提升的時候,這 種 錯誤的應同就會終止。你會明白你再不是你的想法,再不 是 你的思想,再不是你的身體,也再不是所謂的自我,它( 自 我)從來就不存在。所以,現在你就得從知識的層面去明 白 這一切。當你從知識的層面去明白這一切後,你必須要在 那 裡浸淫,觀賞它,並不斷送出和接受合一祝福。持續去做 ,然後 你會忽然發現你能夠走出你的思想以外。
Right now you are within the mind. All your seeking, all your search is within the mind. And within the mind there is nothing but suffering. Because the mind, it’s a limitation.
When there is limitation there is a division. When there is a division, there is a conflict.
When there is a conflict, there is wastage of energy which is misery or suffering.
On the other hand, if the energy is conserved, the stillness of energy is meditation, is joy, is bliss, is love.
現在你只是再你的思想當中。所有你所尋覓的只是在腦袋中 。 只要是再腦袋中的,除了痛苦,並沒有其它。因為思想是 一 種限制。有限制就有分歧。有分歧就有紛爭。有紛爭就會 浪 費能量,那就是我們受苦和悲哀的原因。另一方面,如果 能 夠保存能量,那種靜態的能量就是冥想,是喜悅,是狂喜 ,是 愛。
So what you have done is, within the framework of the mind, let us call it a prison, you have beautifully arranged all the furniture. A little security in your family, a little in your wealth, a little your name and fame, and this and that, it’s all very beautifully organized to manage your suffering. I am not against it, perfect, go ahead, and do it. But then you will not really experience what it is to live. You will not truly live. You are exiting beautifully.
其實你所做的就是,你將所有家具齊整地放置在腦袋的範圍 內, 讓我們也稱它為一個監獄。一些是在你的家裡,一些在 你 的財富,一些在你的名字和名氣,這些那些,全都你都美 好 地安放起來,用以管理你的苦難。我並不是要左右你,沒 有 問題,照你的意願去做。但是你不會真正體驗生存是甚麼 。你不 會真正的活。你只是美好地生存著。
Now you have to get out of this prison that is the mind. Now if you were to contemplate on these teachings, and give and receive Deekshas, you might find something strange happening. You may find that you’re gradually moving out of the prison called the mind.
現在你需要走出思想的監獄。現在如果你開始觀照這些教導 , 並給予和接受合一祝福,你或許會發現一些奇怪的事會發 生。你 可能發現你續漸離開那個思想的監獄。
As you go out of your mind, you will see your own thoughts, thinking is happening, not you thinking, thinking is happening, speech is happening, all the actions are happening. Very beautiful they are happening, they are perfect. It is only when you identify yourself with them [that] there is disorder, there is imperfection.
當你走出你的思想,你會看到你的想法,思想仍然發生,但 不 是你在思想,思想仍然發生。說話仍然進行,所有的行動 依 舊發生。它們都在美好地發生,它們都是完美。只是當你 讓 自己認同它們的時候,那就會產生混亂,那就會有不完美 。
Once you come out, they are all happening like breathing and digestion and everything automatically. It is not right action nor wrong action, it is perfect action. It’s all happening on its own, and you are out of it. You are out of it, and that is all. And then you will experience that love you are asking about, that pure love. When you are out of it, what is there is pure love, pure joy.
當你能夠走出(思想)的時候,它們都在發生,就像呼吸, 消 化和其它的同西自然地發生。那不再是對的行動,錯的行 動, 那是完美的行動。它會跟據自己的定律發生,而你是會 在 它以外。你再它以外,那就是一切。那時你就可以體驗到 你 所詢問的愛,那種純愛。當你走出它以外,那裡就有純正 的愛, 純正的喜悅。
But within the mind, you could never ever get it. So all that drama that is now going on within the mind, I hope that by the time we meet next time, we’ll be able to get out of your minds, and watch your own mind functioning there.
但只要你仍然在腦中,你永遠不能明白。所以,我希望在下 一 次會面時,那些你腦袋中的把戲能夠停止,你亦能夠走出 你的思 想,看看你的思想是如何在運作。
翻譯:Anthony Siu
合一2月份的教導 2010:
Sri Bhagavan 巴珈灣
Your Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts
Every month I would like to give some homework on which you would work before the next Skype Darshan. So I think I have spoken for about in 3 or 4 places now I do not know if it is on the website but then I will talk to you about it. And you got to work on this teaching in the month of February and be receiving and giving Deekshas hopefully you would move into higher states and you could ask me questions based on that at our next meeting.
What you got to contemplate on is the following.
Thoughts are happening automatically. It is not that there is a Carol there who is thinking. Thoughts are simply happening automatically.
Speech ‐ it is not that you are there who speaks. It is happening automatically.
言語 — 這並不是代表你在這裡說甚麼。它也是自然會發生的事。
Actions ‐ it is not that you are acting, but actions are taking place all the time.
行動 -- 這並不是代表你在幹些甚麼,但行動是常常在進行當中的。
So they are happening there of their own accord automatically. You have got to just see that. You have to see how speech is happening automatically, thought is happening automatically, and action is happening automatically, [because] that is the fact.
Now for example, let us come to thoughts. You assume that there is a thinker called Carol who is thinking. But there is no such thinker at all. There is just thinking which is just an automatic function of the brain, just like you breathe automatically, just like your body temperatures maintain automatically, just like digestion happens automatically, similarly thinking also is happening automatically. You are not there who is thinking. It’s a mere assumption.
Suppose you are to draw a circle, the center emerges. It’s much the same way when thinking happens, the illusion of a thinker arises. There is no thinker at all. Similarly, speech it is also happening automatically, though you think that you are speaking. No.
Actions, they are also happening automatically. For example Carol might think okay I shall decide to move my arm. There I have moved it. But then if you were to watch Carol’s brain real time, which is possible today, you would notice that a fraction of the second before she moved her hand, her brain had decided to move the hand, and the hand moves. But she suffers from the illusion that she decided to move her arm, and the arm moved. All things are happening automatically.
Similarly when you come to your body, you must understand that your body is not your body because this human body is millions of years old. You did not design it, you did not make the changes in that body and you did not conceive it, you have virtually no role with it. You did not make it grow. It grew on its own.
So your body is not your body, your mind is not your mind, your thoughts are not your thoughts. There are more [examples] like this.
You are wearing some nice dress and Carol would say, this is my dress. But then, did Carol design that dress? No.Did she tailor it? No. Did she make it in a textile mill? No. Did she get the cotton or whatever what went into that on her own? No. No way she has played any role at all and yet she claims this dress is my dress.
Similarly thoughts have evolved over millions of years, it’s not Carol’s thoughts they are all there in the thoughts sphere and they come and they go and yet Carol thinks these are my thoughts. They are not hers. Her body similarly is not her body. Similarly her mind, what is her mind? It is a flow of thought. And that mind too is not her mind it is a very ancient mind and that is not hers.
And her self. I am there. It is a sense of separateness, it is a concept, it is an illusion.
So nothing is hers. But then she identifies her self with her thoughts, with her body, with her mind, and thinks that she exists.
This is called Anatma, or false identification. She’s not that, but she thinks she is that.
And why does she do it? It’s called, prajingya paradar, failure of intelligence. That is the intelligence we talked in Level 2. When intelligence arises, this false identification ceases.
You will realize that you are no more your thoughts, no more your mind, no more your body, and no more the so called self, which is non existence in the first place. So now all these things you got to understand intellectually. Having understood intellectually, you must try to soak into it and contemplate on it and then give and receive Deekshas. Giving Deekshas is more powerful than receiving Deekshas. Keep doing it. And suddenly you will see you are out of the mind.
Right now you are within the mind. All your seeking, all your search is within the mind. And within the mind there is nothing but suffering. Because the mind, it’s a limitation.
When there is limitation there is a division. When there is a division, there is a conflict.
When there is a conflict, there is wastage of energy which is misery or suffering.
On the other hand, if the energy is conserved, the stillness of energy is meditation, is joy, is bliss, is love.
So what you have done is, within the framework of the mind, let us call it a prison, you have beautifully arranged all the furniture. A little security in your family, a little in your wealth, a little your name and fame, and this and that, it’s all very beautifully organized to manage your suffering. I am not against it, perfect, go ahead, and do it. But then you will not really experience what it is to live. You will not truly live. You are exiting beautifully.
Now you have to get out of this prison that is the mind. Now if you were to contemplate on these teachings, and give and receive Deekshas, you might find something strange happening. You may find that you’re gradually moving out of the prison called the mind.
As you go out of your mind, you will see your own thoughts, thinking is happening, not you thinking, thinking is happening, speech is happening, all the actions are happening. Very beautiful they are happening, they are perfect. It is only when you identify yourself with them [that] there is disorder, there is imperfection.
Once you come out, they are all happening like breathing and digestion and everything automatically. It is not right action nor wrong action, it is perfect action. It’s all happening on its own, and you are out of it. You are out of it, and that is all. And then you will experience that love you are asking about, that pure love. When you are out of it, what is there is pure love, pure joy.
But within the mind, you could never ever get it. So all that drama that is now going on within the mind, I hope that by the time we meet next time, we’ll be able to get out of your minds, and watch your own mind functioning there.
翻譯:Anthony Siu
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Sri Bhagawan on how to set relationships right
Question: One of the fundamental teachings of the Dharma is to set right relationships. Exactly how can we improve or set right our relationships?
Answer: It is essential for you to first understand that Life is relationships. Now coming to your question how to improve relationships? The problem of relationships cannot be solved through psychology. All effort to understand the other person completely can never help. It is like peeling an onion. As you go on peeling an onion nothing remains. Say, you are eating khova (a south Indian sweet dish), you don't try to understand, but just experience the eating of khova. In the same way, you need to experience the other person just as he or she is.
A husband trying to analyze or understand his wife will take him nowhere. Analysis leads to paralysis. Everybody is constantly trying to understand, analyse, judge others while struggling to change the other person. Unfortunately, people fail to realize that this is impossible as all of you are like computers who have been programmed and hence have no free will of your own. Your past lives, birth traumas, childhood, education, culture and all your conditioning are in possession of you and your lives. Your life flows according to this program.
So, when you are trying to understand and change the other person; it is only one program trying to alter another program. This game goes on from birth to death. Supposing you are going to a movie everyday, hoping that there will be a new ending, a new climax. Will it really change? All of you are trying to change each other in the same way!
What you need to do is experience the other person fully.
When the husband returns home to find his wife screaming; he must experience her like watching a movie or drinking a glass of juice. What happened? Why it happened? Why is her nature that way cannot be really known. Remember, it is like peeling an onion.
If you experience life becomes Joy!
It does not matter what the event is. You have to only experience the program. Stop judging and being critical. When you experience the other person, you would know exactly how to respond.
Abraham Lincoln was shot. Who is to be blamed? The person who shot, the person who made the gun or the person who invented it or somebody else. No person can really be blamed, for, a situation is dependent on so many factors. It is not possible to pinpoint a single reason. If you look at The Bible, it also tells us "Judge not least ye be judged".
Unless something happens to the program itself, say through Grace, nothing can change. If the wife screams, experience it ! is it possible? Thousands have done it. It is simple and practical. If you experience people, your heart flowers and synchronises with Earth's heartbeat. My Grace flows and your problems would be solved.
If you don't set right your relationships, I really cannot help you to the extent I want to help you. So start experiencing people and events.
Answer: It is essential for you to first understand that Life is relationships. Now coming to your question how to improve relationships? The problem of relationships cannot be solved through psychology. All effort to understand the other person completely can never help. It is like peeling an onion. As you go on peeling an onion nothing remains. Say, you are eating khova (a south Indian sweet dish), you don't try to understand, but just experience the eating of khova. In the same way, you need to experience the other person just as he or she is.
A husband trying to analyze or understand his wife will take him nowhere. Analysis leads to paralysis. Everybody is constantly trying to understand, analyse, judge others while struggling to change the other person. Unfortunately, people fail to realize that this is impossible as all of you are like computers who have been programmed and hence have no free will of your own. Your past lives, birth traumas, childhood, education, culture and all your conditioning are in possession of you and your lives. Your life flows according to this program.
So, when you are trying to understand and change the other person; it is only one program trying to alter another program. This game goes on from birth to death. Supposing you are going to a movie everyday, hoping that there will be a new ending, a new climax. Will it really change? All of you are trying to change each other in the same way!
What you need to do is experience the other person fully.
When the husband returns home to find his wife screaming; he must experience her like watching a movie or drinking a glass of juice. What happened? Why it happened? Why is her nature that way cannot be really known. Remember, it is like peeling an onion.
If you experience life becomes Joy!
It does not matter what the event is. You have to only experience the program. Stop judging and being critical. When you experience the other person, you would know exactly how to respond.
Abraham Lincoln was shot. Who is to be blamed? The person who shot, the person who made the gun or the person who invented it or somebody else. No person can really be blamed, for, a situation is dependent on so many factors. It is not possible to pinpoint a single reason. If you look at The Bible, it also tells us "Judge not least ye be judged".
Unless something happens to the program itself, say through Grace, nothing can change. If the wife screams, experience it ! is it possible? Thousands have done it. It is simple and practical. If you experience people, your heart flowers and synchronises with Earth's heartbeat. My Grace flows and your problems would be solved.
If you don't set right your relationships, I really cannot help you to the extent I want to help you. So start experiencing people and events.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
"Oneness Awakening" 合一覺醒工作坊 - With Dr. Rahasya & Nura
Date: 22(Sat)-23(Sun) May 2010 - 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM
地點: 九龍麼地道71號
Venue: Regal Kowloon Hotel, Mody Road, Tsim Tsa Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
The Oneness Awakening course, taught over two or three days, is designed simply to help a person move beyond the limitations and structures of the mind. When we are identified with the mind-- when we filter our experience through our past conditioning-- we are in fact not living, but merely existing, merely surviving. When we live within the structures of the mind, we are not actually alive at all. The purpose of life is simply to live-- to experience reality as it is-- that natural state where the senses are alive, the heart is open, in direct contact with the Oneness in everything.
The course will make use of all of the various teachings and processes that the Trainer has received from the Oneness University and through their own life experience. It is not a course to convey information or to help you to work on yourself, but rather a vehicle through which to show you directly what life is like outside the realm of the mind-- that vast peace, stillness, and love that is revealed in direct experience.
This is a very sacred, divinely led process which culminates in the transmission of a very special Deeksha called the Mukthi Deeksha, given through an ancient spiritual technology called Padukas. Padukas are symbols that represent the feet of the Divine, a powerful cross-cultural understanding of surrender. What makes this Deeksha unique is that it comes directly from the Divine and is not routed through the human being. It is a direct transfer from the Divine to the recipient, with the sole purpose of taking the recipient into the state of Oneness and Awakening—that same state enjoyed by saints, sages, and mystics world over.
全 新的"合一覺醒"課程為期二天,目的是幫助參加者突破自身頭腦的模式及限制。
當我們與 頭腦認同 -- 以過去的模式及制約來過濾現有的經歷,事實上我們亦不在生活,而只僅僅生存。當我們活於頭腦的限制下,我們亦不是活生生的。生命的目的就只是單純去生活 --- 如實的經驗實相 。在這個自然狀態中,我們的官感是活生生的,我們的心是開放的,我們是與萬物合一的。
本課程會透過不同的教導 及 過程去幫助參加者,而這些都是訓練師從合一大學那裡學習得來及其個人經歷結合而成。本課程亦不單純是傳遞知識或幫助參加者在自身下工夫,更重要的是它能幫 助你走出頭腦,如實體驗"生命" --- 直接經驗那份和平、寧靜、愛。
藉著古代的神聖象徵"聖鞋" (Padukas),一種特別的合一祝福 " Mukthi Deeksha"得以傳遞至頂點。"聖鞋" (Padukas)象徵神的雙腳,具臣服的象徵意義。這一個合一祝福 (Mukthi Deeksha)特別之處是,直接從神聖傳遞能量,而不經任何人身傳遞。
能量是直接由神聖傳遞至接受者,目的是帶領接受者進入合一覺醒狀 態,而很多聖人、智者及神秘家也曾經經驗這一狀態。而Mukthi Deeksha 傳遞過程是由三部份組成,之前兩部份是為了準備接受者接受神聖的祝福。
第一部份,藉由跳舞去準備身體,這是一種向神聖敞開的古老 方式。
第二部份,藉由一系列的吟誦,神聖能進入參加者的頭腦及潛意識,去清理所有阻 礙 接受deeksha的障礙物。吟誦的目的是將頭腦及能量體重新"程式化",以幫助覺醒。
最後一部份,參加者會藉由聖鞋接收Mukthi Deeksha 。
LANGUAGE - English with Mandarin Translation
主要為英語進行, 配合國語翻譯
* Rahasya (Dr. Fritjof Kraft,MD) is a mystic, physician, spiritual teacher and author who has been working with people for more than 33 years. Meeting his master in 1980 has revolutionized his life and led to a deep understanding of his being.
Rahasya's teaching is simple, profound and deeply transformative.
* Nura is a well known teacher for Aura Soma Colour Therapy and co leads with Rahasya Tantra for Couples and many other courses. Meeting her master in 1980 has led to a path of love, meditation, self discovery and devotion.
Nura's feminine presence and clarity brings depth and love into the work.
DISCOUNT of RMB 1000 for graduates of Oneness University
This workshop is being organized by Shanghai based "Awareness & Action International Academy Limited (China Life Coach)". Please make payments directly to this company.
Register ONLINE
地點: 九龍麼地道71號
Venue: Regal Kowloon Hotel, Mody Road, Tsim Tsa Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
The Oneness Awakening course, taught over two or three days, is designed simply to help a person move beyond the limitations and structures of the mind. When we are identified with the mind-- when we filter our experience through our past conditioning-- we are in fact not living, but merely existing, merely surviving. When we live within the structures of the mind, we are not actually alive at all. The purpose of life is simply to live-- to experience reality as it is-- that natural state where the senses are alive, the heart is open, in direct contact with the Oneness in everything.
The course will make use of all of the various teachings and processes that the Trainer has received from the Oneness University and through their own life experience. It is not a course to convey information or to help you to work on yourself, but rather a vehicle through which to show you directly what life is like outside the realm of the mind-- that vast peace, stillness, and love that is revealed in direct experience.
This is a very sacred, divinely led process which culminates in the transmission of a very special Deeksha called the Mukthi Deeksha, given through an ancient spiritual technology called Padukas. Padukas are symbols that represent the feet of the Divine, a powerful cross-cultural understanding of surrender. What makes this Deeksha unique is that it comes directly from the Divine and is not routed through the human being. It is a direct transfer from the Divine to the recipient, with the sole purpose of taking the recipient into the state of Oneness and Awakening—that same state enjoyed by saints, sages, and mystics world over.
全 新的"合一覺醒"課程為期二天,目的是幫助參加者突破自身頭腦的模式及限制。
當我們與 頭腦認同 -- 以過去的模式及制約來過濾現有的經歷,事實上我們亦不在生活,而只僅僅生存。當我們活於頭腦的限制下,我們亦不是活生生的。生命的目的就只是單純去生活 --- 如實的經驗實相 。在這個自然狀態中,我們的官感是活生生的,我們的心是開放的,我們是與萬物合一的。
本課程會透過不同的教導 及 過程去幫助參加者,而這些都是訓練師從合一大學那裡學習得來及其個人經歷結合而成。本課程亦不單純是傳遞知識或幫助參加者在自身下工夫,更重要的是它能幫 助你走出頭腦,如實體驗"生命" --- 直接經驗那份和平、寧靜、愛。
藉著古代的神聖象徵"聖鞋" (Padukas),一種特別的合一祝福 " Mukthi Deeksha"得以傳遞至頂點。"聖鞋" (Padukas)象徵神的雙腳,具臣服的象徵意義。這一個合一祝福 (Mukthi Deeksha)特別之處是,直接從神聖傳遞能量,而不經任何人身傳遞。
能量是直接由神聖傳遞至接受者,目的是帶領接受者進入合一覺醒狀 態,而很多聖人、智者及神秘家也曾經經驗這一狀態。而Mukthi Deeksha 傳遞過程是由三部份組成,之前兩部份是為了準備接受者接受神聖的祝福。
第一部份,藉由跳舞去準備身體,這是一種向神聖敞開的古老 方式。
第二部份,藉由一系列的吟誦,神聖能進入參加者的頭腦及潛意識,去清理所有阻 礙 接受deeksha的障礙物。吟誦的目的是將頭腦及能量體重新"程式化",以幫助覺醒。
最後一部份,參加者會藉由聖鞋接收Mukthi Deeksha 。
LANGUAGE - English with Mandarin Translation
主要為英語進行, 配合國語翻譯
* Rahasya (Dr. Fritjof Kraft,MD) is a mystic, physician, spiritual teacher and author who has been working with people for more than 33 years. Meeting his master in 1980 has revolutionized his life and led to a deep understanding of his being.
Rahasya's teaching is simple, profound and deeply transformative.
* Nura is a well known teacher for Aura Soma Colour Therapy and co leads with Rahasya Tantra for Couples and many other courses. Meeting her master in 1980 has led to a path of love, meditation, self discovery and devotion.
Nura's feminine presence and clarity brings depth and love into the work.
DISCOUNT of RMB 1000 for graduates of Oneness University
This workshop is being organized by Shanghai based "Awareness & Action International Academy Limited (China Life Coach)". Please make payments directly to this company.
Register ONLINE
Oneness Awakening,
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Calendar of Events 2010 MAY-JUNE
Oneness Evening 合一晚會
Open to Public 歡迎任何人士參與
For more details contact
6 (Thu) May 2010 - 7.15pm to 9.15pm
13 (Thu) May 2010 - 7.15pm to 9.15pm
20 (Thu) May 2010 - 7.15pm to 9.15pm
27 (Thu) May 2010 - 7.15pm to 9.15pm
地 點: 九龍旺角彌敦道721號, 華比銀行大廈13樓1306室
Venue: Room 1306, Belgian Bank Building , 721 Nathan Road,
Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Click here for Location MAP
Sri Bhagawan's live video webcast
Registration required
For more details contact
9 (Sun) May 2010 - 7.00pm to 9.30pm
地 點: 九龍佐敦渡船街28號, 寶時商業大廈901室.
Venue: Rm 910, Boss Commercial Centre, 28 Ferry Street, Jordon,
Kowloon, HongKong
Click here for Location Map
23(Sun) May 2010 - 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM
地 點: 香港英皇道89號桂洪集團中心14樓1401室)近炮台山 地鐵站
Venue: Rm 1401 14/F Kwai Hung Holdings Centre,
No. 89 King's Road, Fortress Hill, Hong Kong
Click here for Location Map
30(Sun) May 2010 1.00 PM to 4.00 PM
地 點:
Venue : Will Advice
Workshop "Oneness Awakening"
22(Sat)-23(Sun) May 2010 - 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM
Workshop 2 full days
Registration required. Contact
Trainer - Rahasya
Language of Instruction - English with Mandarin translation
地 點:
Venue: Regal Kowloon Hotel, Mody Road, Tsim Tsa Tsui, Kowloon,
Workshop "Oneness Awakening"
For more details click June workshop details
4(Fri)-5(Sat)-6(Sun) June 2010 - 9AM to 7PM
Workshop 3 full days
Registration require. Contact
Trainer - Dr. Aaron Kan
Language of Instruction - Mandarin
地 點: 九龍佐敦渡船街28號, 寶時商業大廈901室.
Venue: Rm 910, Boss Commercial Centre, 28 Ferry Street, Jordon,
Kowloon, HongKong
Click here for Location Map
To register click Application form
Open to Public 歡迎任何人士參與
For more details contact
6 (Thu) May 2010 - 7.15pm to 9.15pm
13 (Thu) May 2010 - 7.15pm to 9.15pm
20 (Thu) May 2010 - 7.15pm to 9.15pm
27 (Thu) May 2010 - 7.15pm to 9.15pm
地 點: 九龍旺角彌敦道721號, 華比銀行大廈13樓1306室
Venue: Room 1306, Belgian Bank Building , 721 Nathan Road,
Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Click here for Location MAP
Sri Bhagawan's live video webcast
Registration required
For more details contact
9 (Sun) May 2010 - 7.00pm to 9.30pm
地 點: 九龍佐敦渡船街28號, 寶時商業大廈901室.
Venue: Rm 910, Boss Commercial Centre, 28 Ferry Street, Jordon,
Kowloon, HongKong
Click here for Location Map
23(Sun) May 2010 - 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM
地 點: 香港英皇道89號桂洪集團中心14樓1401室)近炮台山 地鐵站
Venue: Rm 1401 14/F Kwai Hung Holdings Centre,
No. 89 King's Road, Fortress Hill, Hong Kong
Click here for Location Map
30(Sun) May 2010 1.00 PM to 4.00 PM
地 點:
Venue : Will Advice
Workshop "Oneness Awakening"
22(Sat)-23(Sun) May 2010 - 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM
Workshop 2 full days
Registration required. Contact
Trainer - Rahasya
Language of Instruction - English with Mandarin translation
地 點:
Venue: Regal Kowloon Hotel, Mody Road, Tsim Tsa Tsui, Kowloon,
Workshop "Oneness Awakening"
For more details click June workshop details
4(Fri)-5(Sat)-6(Sun) June 2010 - 9AM to 7PM
Workshop 3 full days
Registration require. Contact
Trainer - Dr. Aaron Kan
Language of Instruction - Mandarin
地 點: 九龍佐敦渡船街28號, 寶時商業大廈901室.
Venue: Rm 910, Boss Commercial Centre, 28 Ferry Street, Jordon,
Kowloon, HongKong
Click here for Location Map
To register click Application form
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