合一2月份的教導 2010:
Sri Bhagavan 巴珈灣
Your Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts
Every month I would like to give some homework on which you would work before the next Skype Darshan. So I think I have spoken for about in 3 or 4 places now I do not know if it is on the website but then I will talk to you about it. And you got to work on this teaching in the month of February and be receiving and giving Deekshas hopefully you would move into higher states and you could ask me questions based on that at our next meeting.
What you got to contemplate on is the following.
Thoughts are happening automatically. It is not that there is a Carol there who is thinking. Thoughts are simply happening automatically.
Speech ‐ it is not that you are there who speaks. It is happening automatically.
言語 — 這並不是代表你在這裡說甚麼。它也是自然會發生的事。
Actions ‐ it is not that you are acting, but actions are taking place all the time.
行動 -- 這並不是代表你在幹些甚麼,但行動是常常在進行當中的。
So they are happening there of their own accord automatically. You have got to just see that. You have to see how speech is happening automatically, thought is happening automatically, and action is happening automatically, [because] that is the fact.
Now for example, let us come to thoughts. You assume that there is a thinker called Carol who is thinking. But there is no such thinker at all. There is just thinking which is just an automatic function of the brain, just like you breathe automatically, just like your body temperatures maintain automatically, just like digestion happens automatically, similarly thinking also is happening automatically. You are not there who is thinking. It’s a mere assumption.
Suppose you are to draw a circle, the center emerges. It’s much the same way when thinking happens, the illusion of a thinker arises. There is no thinker at all. Similarly, speech it is also happening automatically, though you think that you are speaking. No.
Actions, they are also happening automatically. For example Carol might think okay I shall decide to move my arm. There I have moved it. But then if you were to watch Carol’s brain real time, which is possible today, you would notice that a fraction of the second before she moved her hand, her brain had decided to move the hand, and the hand moves. But she suffers from the illusion that she decided to move her arm, and the arm moved. All things are happening automatically.
Similarly when you come to your body, you must understand that your body is not your body because this human body is millions of years old. You did not design it, you did not make the changes in that body and you did not conceive it, you have virtually no role with it. You did not make it grow. It grew on its own.
So your body is not your body, your mind is not your mind, your thoughts are not your thoughts. There are more [examples] like this.
You are wearing some nice dress and Carol would say, this is my dress. But then, did Carol design that dress? No.Did she tailor it? No. Did she make it in a textile mill? No. Did she get the cotton or whatever what went into that on her own? No. No way she has played any role at all and yet she claims this dress is my dress.
Similarly thoughts have evolved over millions of years, it’s not Carol’s thoughts they are all there in the thoughts sphere and they come and they go and yet Carol thinks these are my thoughts. They are not hers. Her body similarly is not her body. Similarly her mind, what is her mind? It is a flow of thought. And that mind too is not her mind it is a very ancient mind and that is not hers.
And her self. I am there. It is a sense of separateness, it is a concept, it is an illusion.
So nothing is hers. But then she identifies her self with her thoughts, with her body, with her mind, and thinks that she exists.
This is called Anatma, or false identification. She’s not that, but she thinks she is that.
And why does she do it? It’s called, prajingya paradar, failure of intelligence. That is the intelligence we talked in Level 2. When intelligence arises, this false identification ceases.
You will realize that you are no more your thoughts, no more your mind, no more your body, and no more the so called self, which is non existence in the first place. So now all these things you got to understand intellectually. Having understood intellectually, you must try to soak into it and contemplate on it and then give and receive Deekshas. Giving Deekshas is more powerful than receiving Deekshas. Keep doing it. And suddenly you will see you are out of the mind.
Right now you are within the mind. All your seeking, all your search is within the mind. And within the mind there is nothing but suffering. Because the mind, it’s a limitation.
When there is limitation there is a division. When there is a division, there is a conflict.
When there is a conflict, there is wastage of energy which is misery or suffering.
On the other hand, if the energy is conserved, the stillness of energy is meditation, is joy, is bliss, is love.
So what you have done is, within the framework of the mind, let us call it a prison, you have beautifully arranged all the furniture. A little security in your family, a little in your wealth, a little your name and fame, and this and that, it’s all very beautifully organized to manage your suffering. I am not against it, perfect, go ahead, and do it. But then you will not really experience what it is to live. You will not truly live. You are exiting beautifully.
Now you have to get out of this prison that is the mind. Now if you were to contemplate on these teachings, and give and receive Deekshas, you might find something strange happening. You may find that you’re gradually moving out of the prison called the mind.
As you go out of your mind, you will see your own thoughts, thinking is happening, not you thinking, thinking is happening, speech is happening, all the actions are happening. Very beautiful they are happening, they are perfect. It is only when you identify yourself with them [that] there is disorder, there is imperfection.
Once you come out, they are all happening like breathing and digestion and everything automatically. It is not right action nor wrong action, it is perfect action. It’s all happening on its own, and you are out of it. You are out of it, and that is all. And then you will experience that love you are asking about, that pure love. When you are out of it, what is there is pure love, pure joy.
But within the mind, you could never ever get it. So all that drama that is now going on within the mind, I hope that by the time we meet next time, we’ll be able to get out of your minds, and watch your own mind functioning there.
翻譯:Anthony Siu
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