Date: 22(Sat)-23(Sun) May 2010 - 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM
地點: 九龍麼地道71號
Venue: Regal Kowloon Hotel, Mody Road, Tsim Tsa Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
The Oneness Awakening course, taught over two or three days, is designed simply to help a person move beyond the limitations and structures of the mind. When we are identified with the mind-- when we filter our experience through our past conditioning-- we are in fact not living, but merely existing, merely surviving. When we live within the structures of the mind, we are not actually alive at all. The purpose of life is simply to live-- to experience reality as it is-- that natural state where the senses are alive, the heart is open, in direct contact with the Oneness in everything.
The course will make use of all of the various teachings and processes that the Trainer has received from the Oneness University and through their own life experience. It is not a course to convey information or to help you to work on yourself, but rather a vehicle through which to show you directly what life is like outside the realm of the mind-- that vast peace, stillness, and love that is revealed in direct experience.
This is a very sacred, divinely led process which culminates in the transmission of a very special Deeksha called the Mukthi Deeksha, given through an ancient spiritual technology called Padukas. Padukas are symbols that represent the feet of the Divine, a powerful cross-cultural understanding of surrender. What makes this Deeksha unique is that it comes directly from the Divine and is not routed through the human being. It is a direct transfer from the Divine to the recipient, with the sole purpose of taking the recipient into the state of Oneness and Awakening—that same state enjoyed by saints, sages, and mystics world over.
全 新的"合一覺醒"課程為期二天,目的是幫助參加者突破自身頭腦的模式及限制。
當我們與 頭腦認同 -- 以過去的模式及制約來過濾現有的經歷,事實上我們亦不在生活,而只僅僅生存。當我們活於頭腦的限制下,我們亦不是活生生的。生命的目的就只是單純去生活 --- 如實的經驗實相 。在這個自然狀態中,我們的官感是活生生的,我們的心是開放的,我們是與萬物合一的。
本課程會透過不同的教導 及 過程去幫助參加者,而這些都是訓練師從合一大學那裡學習得來及其個人經歷結合而成。本課程亦不單純是傳遞知識或幫助參加者在自身下工夫,更重要的是它能幫 助你走出頭腦,如實體驗"生命" --- 直接經驗那份和平、寧靜、愛。
藉著古代的神聖象徵"聖鞋" (Padukas),一種特別的合一祝福 " Mukthi Deeksha"得以傳遞至頂點。"聖鞋" (Padukas)象徵神的雙腳,具臣服的象徵意義。這一個合一祝福 (Mukthi Deeksha)特別之處是,直接從神聖傳遞能量,而不經任何人身傳遞。
能量是直接由神聖傳遞至接受者,目的是帶領接受者進入合一覺醒狀 態,而很多聖人、智者及神秘家也曾經經驗這一狀態。而Mukthi Deeksha 傳遞過程是由三部份組成,之前兩部份是為了準備接受者接受神聖的祝福。
第一部份,藉由跳舞去準備身體,這是一種向神聖敞開的古老 方式。
第二部份,藉由一系列的吟誦,神聖能進入參加者的頭腦及潛意識,去清理所有阻 礙 接受deeksha的障礙物。吟誦的目的是將頭腦及能量體重新"程式化",以幫助覺醒。
最後一部份,參加者會藉由聖鞋接收Mukthi Deeksha 。
LANGUAGE - English with Mandarin Translation
主要為英語進行, 配合國語翻譯
* Rahasya (Dr. Fritjof Kraft,MD) is a mystic, physician, spiritual teacher and author who has been working with people for more than 33 years. Meeting his master in 1980 has revolutionized his life and led to a deep understanding of his being.
Rahasya's teaching is simple, profound and deeply transformative.
* Nura is a well known teacher for Aura Soma Colour Therapy and co leads with Rahasya Tantra for Couples and many other courses. Meeting her master in 1980 has led to a path of love, meditation, self discovery and devotion.
Nura's feminine presence and clarity brings depth and love into the work.
DISCOUNT of RMB 1000 for graduates of Oneness University
This workshop is being organized by Shanghai based "Awareness & Action International Academy Limited (China Life Coach)". Please make payments directly to this company.
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Sunday, May 9, 2010
"Oneness Awakening" 合一覺醒工作坊 - With Dr. Rahasya & Nura
Oneness Awakening,
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