Monday, June 20, 2011

Exciting news from Oneness University / 合一大學最新訊息

Please scroll down for English version


每週與巴關在線上的視訊靜心現在向所有人開放。 如你所知,以前每週線上的視訊靜心只限於那些已經是合一Deeksha的給予者。現在,隨著這些網絡靜心被提供給世上每個人,不再限定是 Deeksha給予者才能參加。

然後閱讀和研究本週的教義 (每週教義的中文版會在facebook和網站刊登)
香港合一 合十感恩

A message to all members of World Oneness Community

Webcast on 26 June(Sun) event in Oneness center will be cancelled.

Dear World Oneness Community member,

Please take note of the following recent developments with Oneness and the Oneness University.

Weekly Webcasts with Sri Bhagavan are now open to everyone

As you know, the weekly webcast meditations with Sri Bhagavan were previously restricted to only those that were already Oneness Deeksha Givers. Now, as of last weekend these webcasts are being made available to everyone (as in everyone on the planet who wishes to join in). It is no longer necessary to be a deeksha giver to participate.

We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity by inviting those you know to attend online. Please feel free to share this email and the URL address below with your family and friends.

To participate in the weekly webcast and to gain the most benefit please view the following tutorial video:

Then read and study the lesson of the week:

Once you have done that simply join Sri Bhagavan each week to participate in the live webcast:

These webcasts last 15 minutes and are shown on Sunday at 12:30am and Sunday at 12:30pm, Hong Kong Time.

Blessings and love
Hong Kong Oneness Community

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sri Bhagavan每周視訊教導:6月12-18日 / Teaching for June 12-18 webcast with Sri Bhagavan

The Awakened one is the one with the what is,
The unawakened one is the one with what should be.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Jun 9 Relationship Day - Meditation with Sri Amma Bhagavan 6月9日關係日-與阿瑪巴關靜心

Today Jun 9 is the Relationship day, in case you have missed the real time meditation session with Sri Amma Bhagavan, you can watch the taped video here. Meditate with Sri Amma Bhagavan improve your different relationships.

假如你今天錯過了中午12:30的現場網上視訊靜心, 你可以在這裡重溫。與阿瑪巴關一同靜心,把你的關係提昇。

Sri Bhagavan每周視訊教導:6月5-11日 / Teaching for June 5-11 webcast with Sri Bhagavan

The Awakened One sees the many as the One.
The unawakend one sees the One as the many.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

June Oneness Awakening Course 六月份合一覺醒課程

June 10 - 12, 2011 Oneness Awakening Course 合一覺醒課程

Open to Public 歡迎任何人士參與

Trainer 訓練師 : Mr. Johnny Tsui 徐偉強先生
Language 語言 : Cantonese 廣東話
Fees 費用 : HK$600 (To be returned for being punctuated during the 3 days course 沒有遲到早退的話可以全數退還)
Dates 日期 : June 10 (Fri) - June 12 (Sun)
Time 時間 : June 10 (Fri) 7:30 - 10 pm; June 11 (Sat) & June 12 (Sun) 9:30 am - 6:30 pm
Venue : Rm 910, Boss Commercial Centre, 28 Ferry Street, Jordon, Kowloon
九龍佐敦渡船街28 寶時商業大廈901
Enquiries 查詢: 9822 01022395 8285 (Miss Ann Fong) ; or click here 亦可接此連結

Live Webcast with Sri Bhagavan on July 10, 2011 巴關現場網上視訊定於七月十日舉行

Namaste! We are glad to confirm that the Live webcast with Sri Bhagavan is fixed.  More information will be released on this site and Facebook page soon.


Date 日期:     July 10, 2011 (Sunday)
Time 時間:     7:00-9:00 p.m.
Venue 地點:   1/F Hall, Duke of Windsor Social Service Bldg, 15 Hennessy Rd, Wanchai
                        灣仔軒尼詩道15號, 溫莎公爵社會服務大廈, 一樓大禮堂
Fee 費用:   HK$50

Spiritual Questions Submission
During the live webcast, Sri Bhagavan will address questions about spirituality from Oneness Hong Kong Community. Your are welcome to submit any question to together with your full name and mobile number on or before July 8.  Consolidated questions will be passed to India for final screening.  


Meditation, Deeksha and others 
Apart from the Q&A session, you will be meditating with Sri Bhagavan and receiving Deeksha (Oneness Blessing) from him directly.  Also, there will be Moola Mantra chanting and Deeksha giving/ receiving among all participants.  If you are Oneness Blessing Giver, please join us to share the vibration of love with our family, friends and other participants. Don't miss this meaningful night.

除了解答問題外,巴更會與參加者一起靜心,和直接給予合一祝福。當晚大會亦會安排Moola Mantra集體誦唱,以及集體合一祝福分享。 如果你是合一祝福傳遞師的話,也請你邀請親友一起參加,界時合一祝福傳遞師會共同為現場所有參加者送上合一祝福。 

Admission Ticket & Enquiries
Seats are limited. To secure your ticket, please contact any local trainers for reservation or purchasing. Ticket will be charged at HK$50 each to cover event cost.  All ticket proceeds deducting necessary expenses will be contributed to local and worldwide Oneness activities.


Friday, June 3, 2011

慶祝6月9日關係日的特別實時網上視訊/ Celebrate "Day of Relationship" on Jun 9 [wedding anniversary of Sri Amma Bhagavan]






A message to all members of World Oneness Community


June 9, is celebrated as the ‘Day of Relationship’ at Oneness. On this auspicious day we are blessed to have the Live Webcast with Sri Amma Bhagavan at 12:30pm Hong Kong Time. Live webcast can be viewed in the same weekly webcast link. You may check with any Oneness trainers for details.

It is a blessing to meditate in the presence of Sri Amma Bhagavan and to receive the sacred Deeksha directly. Meditate in the presence of Sri Amma Bhagavan and take your relationships to the next level, and pray that you discover love and joy in your relationships. Sri Amma Bhagavan through Their Intent (sankalpa) would enhance the process of Awakening.

Oneness wishes you Happy Relationship Day!