Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sri Bhagavan每周視訊教學:5月29日至6月4日 / Teaching for May 29-June 4 webcast with Sri Bhagavan

The Awakened One lives in the mystery that life is.
The unawakened one tries to understand what life is.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Ancient Breathing & Chakra Dhyana Workshop 印度古老的呼吸調息及脈腀靜心工作坊


  • Pranayama - 幫助我們啟動生命能量(宇宙能量)及能量
  • Pranakriya - 幫助我們釋放體內的阻塞能量及平衡生命能量;
  • Bandatriya - 幫助我們持住及平衡生命能量;
  • Chakra Dhyana - 幫助我們啟動人體的7個主要脈腀(能量中心)及靈性能量 (Kundalini),透過喚醒我們的靈性能量及脈腀中心,提昇我們的覺知力和意識狀態。





日期:   201164日、11日及18
時間:   下午215分至4
地點:   摩登夜冷 (香港合一中心)
            觀塘開源道73-75號業發工業大廈二期三樓G (MTR B3 出口)
費用:   合一學員: HKD100, 如一次過報三堂及付費, 費用為HKD240
            非合一學員: HKD120, 如一次過報三堂次及付費, 費用為HKD300
連絡:   需預早報名確定參加人數,請連絡 Lily (M)9197 4978
導師:   Lily Ho (合一訓導師)
備註:   請穿寬鬆衣褲及自備水,課程前1小時最好別進食或只取輕微份量的食物

Monday, May 23, 2011

Sri Bhagavan每周視訊教學:5月22-28日 / Teaching for May 22-28 webcast with Sri Bhagavan

The Awakened One whether does or does not do, does not try.
The Unawakened One whether does or does not do, does try.

The Awakened One whether does or does not do, does not try.
The Unawakened One whether does or does not do, does try.
覺醒的人無論是有做或是沒有做, 都沒有嘗試
未覺醒的人無論是有做或是沒有做, 都會嘗試

Friday, May 20, 2011

巴格旺與台灣合一視訊達顯 (2011年4月14日)

巴格旺與台灣合一視訊達顯 (2011年4月14日)

English Transcript (Source: Oneness Ecuador)

April 14 Webcast with Sri Bhagavan and 1000 in Taipai, Taiwan.

Sada: Dear Bhagavan, Beloved Bhagavan, We are so glad to see you here in Taiwan. In this hall you see we have so many, so many people who are interested in awakening. For this exciting moment, we are happy to prepare nine questions. Please guide us dear, Bhagavan. Please share your words with us with these nine questions. Now I'm giving back the microphone to Rahasya.

Rahasya:1. Beloved Bhagavan, I'm honored to read the questions of many friends here. Beloved, Bhagavan many people here do not know about Oneness. How do we share Oneness? And what is awakening?

One of the easiest ways to share awareness is by helping people who are in trouble. If somebody is in trouble, you could offer him help through a deeksha. If the deeksha works, he is going to make further inquiries and thus become interested in Oneness. That is one of the easiest ways to make people become aware of Oneness.

As for awakening, for the awakened person, everything looks perfect. For the unawakened person, nothing looks totally perfect. And there is a struggle to make things perfect. In that struggle he ..... with resistance. The awakened, seeing everything as perfect, there is no struggle whatsoever. Since there is no struggle whatsoever, he himself vanishes. When you as an individual entity is not there, you are awakened.

2. Beloved Bhagavan, what will happen in Taiwan, Asia and the whole world before 2012?

Consciousness levels of people around the world have started to increase. Some of the events which are happening, like for example in West Asia are the result of growing levels of consciousness. Through 2011 and 2012, you will be seeing more and more growth in human consciousness. The result is that people could develop new perceptions about the world, for themselves and about others. These new levels of consciousness or these new perceptions reduce ??? We will slowly start moving towards an Age of Oneness.

3. Beloved Bhagavan, what kind of role does Taiwan play in the awakening process in Asia?

Every nation will bring a certain flavor to Oneness. Like for example, Germany will bring order to Oneness. Taiwan will bring love to Oneness.

4. Question number 4 is probably a deep question for many, many people. Due to the tsunami and nuclear radiation caused by the Japanese earthquake, mass media have made people feel panicked. How do we deal with this? For people without faith or who know nothing about Oneness. Please tell us how to face this physically and spiritually.

If you want to develop?? in a certain physical area with whom you are not physically in touch, then the Deeksha givers must gather together in a place. Have the map of the place and collectively give deeksha to the map. The deeksha will be received by the people in that area. This form of deeksha is also very, very powerful and you will get the desired results. Though the people there will imagine it is all happening because of themselves. That is the way to help people with the tsunami or any other problem.

5. A question that is related. Beloved Bhagavan, many disasters happened in recent years. What is the hidden meaning behind these disasters or what is the reminder for human beings? In other words when we face these disasters, except fear, what kind of attitude should we have?

These disasters whatever may be the physical reasons are actually being caused by what we call the collective unconsciousness. The message is to give up the old ways of separateness and to develop love amongst human beings. Fear is a negative response and it will not help us. We must start by first loving ourselves, and then develop love in the family. Then all else is automatic.

6. Beloved Bhagavan, we all know that the balance of body, mind, spirit is the key for awakening. But for those who have chronic diseases, how do they go beyond the physical limitations and become awakened?

Those who are chronically ill must focus on their illness. As they keep focusing on their illness, the process of awakening will naturally get triggered.

7. Beloved Bhagavan, for those people who died in the disasters, is it because of their choice, the choice of their own soul or because of karma or some other reason?

First of all by their own unconsciousness which we call karma. The unconscious is what we call karma.

8. Beloved Bhagavan, on the process of pursuing awakening, can we still fulfill the desires of the mundane world such as wealth and achievements or do we need to give up everything else and focus only on spiritually?

There is absolutely no conflict between what we call the spiritual and the worldly. One can spiritually grow by still following worldly pursuits. All that is required is great awareness of what you are doing. Awareness is the key. What you pursue is of no consequence.

9. Beloved Bhagavan, what is God? What is the divine? What is the relationship between man and God?

Man and God are two ends of the same spectrum. If the cells of the human body are individual human beings, then the human body which the cells constitute is God. There is no human body without the cells. Nor are there cells without the human body. There is no God without human beings and no human beings without God. The relationship between man and God is that of parent and child.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

5月20日向全球傳遞合一祝福 Global Deeksha - 20/5/2011


A message to all members of World Oneness Community 給全球合一社群的訊息

On the occasion of World Oneness Day - May 20th, We invite all the Trainers and Deeksha Givers to join us for a Global Deeksha. The World Oneness Day is a special day that leaves behind a profound impact on human consciousness in world history. Each one has a significant role in this Divine scheme of things.


On this magnificent day let's all come together and share the Deeksha with the whole of humanity from where we live. Sri Amma Bhagavan will be blessing us with enormous Deeksha power whereby our consciousness level would be elevated and we would be thereafter able to help the humanity by giving more powerful deekshas than ever before.

在這個特別的日子,我們聯繫起來,在自己身處的地方對人類分享合一祝福。Sri Amma Bhagavan將會以巨大的能量祝福大家,藉以提昇我們的意識,讓我們以更有力量的合一祝福去協助人類覺醒。

On this day the Oneness Community across the planet will be gathering at 10 am and 10 pm IST on May 20th 2011 and will be transferring the Deeksha to the whole world. Each one of your sincere participation, prayers, deekshas and love would go a long way in creating more human beings filled with divine consciousness.


Procedure 程序:

1. Invoke the Presence of Sri Amma Bhagavan by chanting the moolamantra 7 times. 唱頌合一真言Moola Manta七次,祈求Sri Amma Bhagavan神聖的臨在

2. Take an intent for global awakening. 為全球覺醒定下強烈的意圖

3. Visualize the globe in front of your eyes and give deeksha. 觀賞世界就在你的眼前,向世界給予合一祝福

4. Express your gratitude for being a part of this vision. 為到自己可以成為這個願景的一份子而獻上感恩

Note 注意事項:

1. Deeksha can be given as an individual or you could gather as a group. 你可以獨自在身處的地方,或是可以組成小組向全世界給予合一祝福

2. You could give deeksha either of the times mentioned or both(10 am and 10 pm IST) 你可以於選擇在香港時間中午12:30以及521日零晨12:30(即印度時間早上10時及晚上10時)給予合一祝福,或是任擇其一。

Lets all join together to make a difference!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sri Bhagavan每周視訊教學:5月15-21日 / Teaching for May 15-21 webcast with Sri Bhagavan

The Awakened One has no mind.
The unawakened one has a mind.
The Awakened One having no mind works with the mind of others.
The unawakened one having a mind struggles with the mind of others.


Sri Bhagavan每周視訊教學:5月8-14日 / Teaching for May 8-14 webcast with Sri Bhagavan

The Awakened One allows things to happen their own way.
The unawakened one tries to make things happen one's own way.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

[Important Notice] Webcast with Sri Bhagavan on 2nd week of July

Namaste. The “64 Deeksha” event went well yesterday. We thank all 32 Oneness Blessing Givers participated in this event, gave and received 64 deekshas in over 6 hours, prayed for personal growth and awakening.

At the event yesterday, the group has conducted Skype call with Chandraji, the Hong Kong Guide in Oneness University based in India. He encouraged trainers and blessing givers to actively share Oneness teachings, free more souls from suffering. During the call, Chandraji told that he can set up a webcast with Sri Bhagavan for Hong Kong Oneness in the second week of July. He encouraged each of us to invite 4-5 people and create a bigger group (target to have a group of at least 150 people). A bigger group of people carry the same intent will magnify the effect of divine grace. Sri Bhagavan will answer spiritual questions and will meditate with the group, help us reaching enlightenment. Oneness Hong Kong will notify all in advance once the date and time is confirmed. We welcome English speakers to join and meet Sri Bhagavan at this webcast.

Telling from past experiences, if you have any spiritual questions, please drop them down. Oneness Hong Kong will collect the questions in advance, interpreter will centralize and read questions to Sri Bhagavan.

Let’s pray together and make this happen.

[重要通知] 7月第二週香港合一與巴格旺網上視訊

Namaste。昨天順利完成了64 Deeksha活動。感謝32位參加者經過逾6小時接受及給予了64次合一祝福,為個人成長及早日覺醒許願,意義深遠。是次也見證了香港合一活動出席人數最多的一次。

昨天下午也與香港區的印度合一導師Chandraji進行了網上視訊,他為參加者解答問題,並且祝福香港合一發展更加迅速及順利。在網上視訊中,Chankraji鼓勵大家更多與別人分享合一的教導,希望香港能夠有更多合一祝福傳導師,讓更加多人得到解脫。在討論之中,Chankraji更與會友定下於7月第二週可安排與合一創辦人Sri Bhagavan與香港合一進行網上視訊Chandraji勸喻香港合一會友需要首先預備好自己,並且盡可能每人邀請4-5人出席(希望人數可達150人或以上),彼此帶著共同意圖聚集在一起,產生巨大的能量。Sri Bhagavan會解答大家靈性道路上遇到的問題,並且即時與會友進行靜心,幫助大家早日覺醒。網上視訊的日期及時間於確定後將會提早通知大家。

根據過往的經驗,如果你對靈性有任何疑問,請你把問題記下來。大會將會預先收集問題,當日由翻譯員向Sri Bhagavan讀出。


Monday, May 9, 2011

Special Event 特別活動 - 64 Deeksha (5月10日星期二 9:30am-2:30pm)

謝謝各位支持,由於報名人數眾多,敬請各位64 Deeksha參加者務必於明天510日(星期二)早上9:30或之前到達會場,確保活動能夠如時開始。


日期 :五月十日(佛誕公眾假期)
時間 :上午930 至 下午230(中間30分鐘休息)
地址:觀塘開源道 73-75 號業發工業大廈二期 3 G 室摩登夜冷(觀塘地鐵站 B3 出口)

Address: Unit 3G, Phase 2, Yip Fat Factory Bldg., 73-75 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong

費用 :$20